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Two Aussies Walk Into A Bar

So as you can see this isn't posted the day that I did these things. 

That's because while out seeing a temple yesterday Jack and I ran into a pair of Australians who we got talking with. Next thing we know we're all ten drinks in, sloshed out of our minds and going off to get some pho.  Needless to say by the time I got back to the hotel room I wasn't in any state to write a blog post. 

However, before all of that happened we had a day of sight seeing which centered around going to see Ho Chi Min's embalmed corpse. Which Yes, is as disconcerting as it is cool. The Mausoleum is located in what I think of as the governmental district, next to the old imperial palace and surrounded by different embassies. What I noticed most about our surroundings that day was how much more developed and organized things were compared to the chaotic, touristy Old Quarter.  Vietnam is trying as hard as it can to close the financial gap and be recognized as a fully developed nation, the architecture around this part of the city reflects that.  I'm not an economist nor a politician so I have no idea how much financial discrepancy there is between average citizens or how much being part of the communist party influences ones income but there does seem to be progress.  Lots of buildings are being upgraded / renovated and everyone seems to be employed doing something.  

See this content in the original post

Another thing that I noticed is that there isn't a large visible homeless population.  Or rather there aren't any passive beggars.  People are always trying to sell you something or workers are sweeping the streets or picking up garbage. Everyone is doing some sort of task and from what I've seen (which has been mostly touristy places to be fair) everyone is contributing in some way. 

Even if it is just selling you a mini pineapple on a stick.  


The infamous Toms Bar. 

Sorry about the poor photo quality on this one, I think I was on beer 6 at the time...