Where There's A Will, There's A Hue

God I hate myself as much as you do for the title ... 

Today we were able to have a bit of a sleep in just because it was another travel day and we really didn't have much planned except for "get to new hotel, and also eat" 

Our hotel in Hoi An took us back to Da Nang where we caught a train to a smaller city called Hue. The train ride took almost three hours which I spent in a semi sleep trance watching the Once Upon A Time finale on Jacks laptop. Yes mom I would've read a book but the train was rocking back and forth pretty dangerously so I decided to play it safe, take a gravol and watch some cheesy TV.

We didn't really explore much of Hue today which was mainly due to us getting in at 4pm but also because I seriously needed some alone time. Jack and I went out for dinner then, while he walked around and checked out the local University, I went back to the room to have a shower and just decompress.  

I've now been living full time with Jack for almost the last three weeks and today the reality of that situation began to show.  There's a tendency for society to really romanticize relationships.  To show that they are always perfect all the time but in actuality that really isn't the case. There are ups and downs and that's perfectly fine. What I think everyone should remember when in or getting into a relationship is that you each are your own person. You have your own skills, identities and personal baggage and for the relationship to function correctly that should stay the case. You shouldn't become your partner or vice versa.  It's healthy to take some alone time, recharge and in my case watch YouTube and catch up on my blog postings.  

Anyway those were just some thoughts I had today which I decided to share with you. Tomorrow should be much more exciting.  We're planning on going to walk around the Ancient Imperial City which is kind of like the Citadel in Hanoi but apparently like 10x as big.  

Night night  


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