Happy Happy Birthday To Me!

Hello, people of the world!

Another year has come and gone for me, however, this past one has been of significance because this is now my 25th circle around the sun!

Now, a lot can happen within twenty-five years and it has.
Within the past quarter of a century, I have: finished high school, graduated from my undergraduate degree, submitted my master’s thesis, traveled to over twenty-two different countries, fallen in and out of love multiple times and, probably most importantly of all, discovered what sort of person I am.
(I was thinking of some light hearted way of making that funny but in the end I’m extraordinarily proud of the person I have turned out to be.)

Disregarding the stages of infancy there have been so many defining moments that have happened throughout the last twenty-five years there are just too many to dive into in a singular blog post. However, I’m looking at this coming year in many ways as a personal tabula rasa. In other words I am entering into this new decade with an almost infinite amount of choices; a multitude of directions that my life could take. In the coming weeks I will have to start making decision which will inevitably influence my future life and career.
So not daunting at all right?

I have made a couple of these promises before but they have historically been weighed down by scholastic obligations however it is my hope that I will keep to this oath and hold myself accountable better than I have done previously.
Basically, I have come up with the idea that throughout all of the year 2020 I want to publish one blog post a day. This is in part a selfish goal because, as I am now out of school, this will give me an excuse to keep up with my writing skills. Mainly though I feel like it will be an interesting experiment. I unashamedly cherish the blog posts and Youtube videos that I made as a younger adult and so now this just gives me an excuse to do it all over again.

Well, all of that being said I raise a metaphorical cup to you and wish anybody reading this a positive and gratifying transition into the new decade.

Graeme Wheeler BMS MBA

PS Thank you @ryanfunkphotography for the picture!