A New Flavour Profile
For everything in Asia that is unfamiliar and alien food is, for the most part, a unifying feature. There's been a lot of hits and misses when exploring pan-Asian cuisine. It's strange also because even though Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand are literally right next to one another they have very different flavour profiles. Vietnam is very heavy on noodles, rice and lots of lemongrass while in Cambodia (albeit the touristy places I stayed) had more of a strong western influence. Granted western culture is probably most prominent there because of the strong tourist scene but it makes for some interesting combinations. There was this Mexican place called Viva! that labelled itself as "the best Mexican food in Cambodia" which is kind of ironic when it's probably the only Mexican food in Cambodia.
I've only been in Bangkok now for a few days but Pad Thai is a staple entrée which many vendors on street corners can make you for under a dollar. Vietnam to me had the most appealing street deserts but then again I may be biased simply because there is honestly nothing better than eating a sugarcoated donut that has just been literally fried infront of you. I'll write a post when I'm home but about a week into the beginning of the trip I decided to start collecting the buisness cards of the places I've been eating so that I could properly talk about / review them online. I'm doing this when I get home because I've been using Squarespace's blogging app on my iPad while I've been on the move and it's kinda buggy and all around not super easy to use.
So for now I'll just leave you with a small lesson I learned while on the move.
Use common sense but don't be afraid to try things, even if back home you know you don't like it. There's nothing worse than laying in bed thinking "I really wish I'd tried that ____" because chances are this is the only chance you'll get. Realistically when is the next opportunity for you to eat squid on a stick or walk to a street cook and have Pad Thai made right infront of you. Take the chance and it will almost certainly pay off.